Universal Audio SD-1 Hemisphere Plugin Demo / Test

Video & Audio Of Review: https://podcastage.com/rev/hemisphere
Full Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m4FkPS9RgE

Buy the Universal Audio SD1 (Affiliate Link)
Amazon: https://geni.us/uasd1
Sweetwater: https://imp.i114863.net/sd1

As an associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

00:00 - Intro
00:42 - Plugin Walkthrough
03:02 - Mic Model Demos
06:04 - Models vs. Real Deal Comparison
08:57 - How Do The Models Sound
09:51 - Do You Need a Universal Audio Interface?
10:19 - Does This Work in Real Time?
10:58 - Can You Download it Without a UA Mic?
11:26 - Final Thoughts
12:42 - Conclusion


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

Christopher Ward C65 Aquitane GMT Wearing Experience

Case Diameter: 41.1mm
Lug to Lug: 46mm (51.6mm inlcuding center links)
Lug Width: 22mm
Thickness: 12.9mm
Weight : 146g (for 6.5" wrist)

As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

GEAR I USE (Affiliate Links):
Calipers: https://geni.us/digcalip
Camera: https://geni.us/c90d
Lens 24mm: https://geni.us/can24
Lens 50mm: https://geni.us/can50
Lens Macro: https://geni.us/can100
Mic stand: https://www.yellowtec.com/mika.html
Preamp:  http://bit.ly/2MBhwLA
Interface: https://imp.i114863.net/uax8
Headphones: https://geni.us/sennhd65

00:00 - Intro
00:41 - Measurements / Build Quality / Movement
02:18 - Wrist Shots (6.5" / 16.5mm)
02:54 - Lume Shot
03:31 - Size Comparisons
05:11 - What I Liked
08:02 - What I Disliked
09:34 - Final Thoughts
11:00 - Outro


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

Shure KSM141 Microphone Review / Test

Today i review the Shure KSM141, a small diaphragm condenser which offers a controlled low end, a neutral mid section, and a slightly bright treble region. This mic offers two very useful polar patterns and useful high pass filters as well as a max SPL of 164dB.

Interface: Focsurite Scarlett 18i20 2nd Gen
Conversion: 24-bit / 48kHz
Gain: ~2:30
Boosted in Post: +2dB

Polar Pattern: Cardioid / Omni
Freq Response : 20Hz - 20khz
Sensitivity: -37dBV
Self Noise: 14dB
Max SPL: 139dB (159dB with -25dB pad)
Impedance: 150 Ohms
High Pass Filter: 6dB/octave at 115hz; -18dB/octave at 80hz
Phantom power: +48V

Buy the Shure KSM141 (Affiliate Link)
Amazon:  https://geni.us/ksm141
Sweetwater: https://sweetwater.sjv.io/ksm141
B&H Photo: https://bhpho.to/3tG6CLF
Thomann: https://www.thomannmusic.com/shure_ksm_141_sl.htm?offid=1&affid=2060

Buy the Focusrite 2i2 (3rd Gen)- Same Performance as 18i20 (Affiliate Link)
Amazon:  https://geni.us/2i32rd
Sweetwater: https://imp.i114863.net/k6g4d
B&H Photo: https://bhpho.to/42lcWDF
Thomann: https://www.thomann.de/intl/focusrite_scarlett_2i2_3rd_gen.htm?offid=1&affid=2060

NOTE (FULL DISCLOSURE): As an associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For more info check my FAQ page links below.

00:00 - Intro / Setup
00:30 - What’s in the Box
00:52 - Build Quality / Walkthrough
01:27 - Specifications
01:40 - Polar Pattern Test (Tone / Rotation)
02:33 - Plosive Test
02:54 - Distance Test / Proximity Effect Test
03:22 - Background Noise Test 
03:38 - Untreated Room Test
04:03 - Underboom & Overhead Booming Test
04:48 - Shock Rejection Test
05:04 - Mic Resonance Tap Test
05:19 - High Pass Filter Test
05:59 - Pad Test
06:19 - Windscreen Tone Test
06:54 - Intro to Comparison
07:22 - Behringer C2 Comparison
07:51 - Rode M5 Comparison
08:22 - sE Electronics sE8 Comparison
08:57 - Shure SM81 Comparison
09:38 - Beyerdynamic MC930 Comparison
10:08 - Neumann KM184 Comparison
10:44 - Neumann U87 Ai Comparison
11:24 - Music Test
12:59 - Pros & Cons
14:16 - Overall Thoughts
15:23 - Recommendation
16:13 - Outro


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

BSP-366: YouTube: The Shopping Network, YouTube Audio Limiter, & More

Topics Discussed: Youtube's shopping program updates, Youtube rollilng out animations on the like button and subscribe button, Youtube adding an audio limiter for mobile playback, My initial thoughts on the rodecaster duo, Microphone product pricing & counterfeit mics, Sound treatment recommendations, If polarizing filters do anything indoors, and more.

Subscribe to the full audio podcast at http://www.bandrewsays.com

Gear Used This Episode (Affiliate Links):
Shure SM58: https://geni.us/sm58
Rodecaster Duo: https://geni.us/rcduo

As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Ask Questions: https://www.askbandrew.com
Merch:  https://www.podcastage.com/store
Discord:  http://www.podcastage.com/discord

00:00 - Intro 
00:21 - YouTube Shopping Update

04:40 - YouTube Like & Subscribe Animations

07:55 - YouTube Audio Limiter
09:57 - WIBT: Rodecaster Duo
12:32 - WYHTS: Product Pricing & Counterfeit Mics
16:41 - WYHTS: Sound Treatment Recommendations?
19:10 - WYHTS: Are Polarizing Filters Even Useful?
21:40 - WYHTS: Rodecaster Pops & Crackles in Recordings
25:20 - Value for Value
32:33 - Conclusion


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

Sellita SW330-2 GMT Movement Walkthrough & History


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

Movo LV-1 Lav Mic Review

Video & HQ Audio: https://podcastage.com/rev/lv1

Today I review a $13 lavalier microphone kit. This seems to be a similar built to a mic I reviewed 7 years ago and it has the sam functionality. The sound is tolerable but leans towards muddy in the bass and congested in the mids. It also has a low sensitivity and sounds like it has a high self noise so if you're looking for noiseless recordings this will not offer it for you.

 Buy the Movo LV1 (Affiliate Link)
Amazon: https://geni.us/movolv1

NOTE (FULL DISCLOSURE): As an associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For more info check my FAQ page links below.

Conversion: 16-bit / 48kHz
Computer Level: 81%
Boosted in Post: +2dB

Polar Pattern: Omnidirectional
Freq Response : 50Hz - 18kHz
Sensitivity -65dB
Impedance: 1 kΩ
Operating Voltage: 1 - 10 V DC

00:00 - Intro / Price / Disclaimer 
00:23 - What’s in the Box
00:58 - Build Quality / Walkthrough
01:40 - Specifications
01:53 - Polar Pattern Test (Tone / Rotation)
02:09 - Plosive Test
02:26 - Lav Mic Position Tests
03:18 - Background Noise Test 
03:33 - Untreated Room Test
03:55 - Windscreen Test
04:38 - Camera Internal Mic Comparison
06:03 - Portable Record Demo
06:23 - Smart Phone Demo
06:40 - Laptop Input Demo
06:55 - Lav Mic Audio Interface Demo
07:19 - 1/4" Audio Interface Demo
07:59 - Intro to Comparison
08:30 - Sony ECM-CS3 Comparison
09:13 - Apple Earbuds Mic Copmarison
09:32 - Deity Pocket Wireless Lav Comparison
10:02 - Rode Lavalier Go Comparison
10:31 - Shure MVL Comparison
11:01 - Shure TL47 Comparison
11:40 - Neumann U87 Ai Comparison
12:26 - Pros & Cons
14:22 - Overall Thoughts
15:04 - Recommendation
17:41 - Outro


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

BSP-365: Saving Money on Gear, SM7b Portable Recorder, & More

Topics Discussed: My camera filter mistake, How a Youtuber saves money on gear, if there's a portable recorder that works with the SM7b, how I torted my audience with bad audio, what does BSP mean, Will I haven't livestreamed my podcast, and resolving pops in recordings.

Subscribe to the full audio podcast at http://www.bandrewsays.com

Gear Used This Episode (Affiliate Links):
Shure SM7b:  https://geni.us/shuresm7b
Universal Audio LA610 MK2:  https://imp.i114863.net/la610mk2
Universal Audio x8:  https://sweetwater.sjv.io/uax8

As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Ask Questions: https://www.askbandrew.com
Merch:  https://www.podcastage.com/store
Discord:  http://www.podcastage.com/discord

00:00 - Intro 
00:22 - My Camera Filter Mistake
02:08 - WYHTS: Youtuber Saves Money on Gear
07:03 - WYHTS: Is There a Portable Recorder for the SM7b?
14:03 - WYHTS: How I Tortured my Audience!
18:03 - WYHTS: What Does BSP Mean?
19:38 - Value for Value
21:03 - Ask Bandrew
22:03 - Video Submission 1
22:33 - Will I Livestream My Podcast?
27:18 - Audio Submission 2
28:22 - Resolving Pops In Recording
32:33 - Try Getting a Good Nights Sleep
34:18 - Conclusion


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

Best Budget Beater Watch? - Casio MRW-200H

Case Diameter: 45.4
Lug to Lug: 48.1mm
Lug Width: 22mm
Thickness: 13.7mm
Weight : 129g

Buy the MRW-200H (Affiliate Link): https://geni.us/mrw200h

As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases.

GEAR I USE (Affiliate Links):
Calipers: https://geni.us/digcalip
Camera: https://geni.us/c90d
Lens 24mm: https://geni.us/can24
Lens 50mm: https://geni.us/can50
Lens Macro: https://geni.us/can100
Microphone: https://geni.us/kms105
Mic stand: https://www.yellowtec.com/mika.html
Preamp: https://imp.i114863.net/la610mk2
Interface: https://imp.i114863.net/uax8
Headphones: https://geni.us/sennhd650

Product Page: https://www.casio.com/us/watches/casio/product.MRW-200H-1BV/
Operation Guide: https://support.casio.com/storage/en/manual/pdf/EN/009/qw5125.pdf


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

Austrian Audio MiCreator USB Mic Review / Test

Today I review a new USB mic from Austrian Audio; the MiCreator. This is a USB mic that also expands to allow you to add an additional input (instrument, second mic capusle, or lav mic kit). The sound is fairly balanced with a controlled low end a slightly more midfocused sound due to no significant cuts, and then a relatively smooth upper frequency range.

Buy the MiCreator (Affiliate Link)
B&H Photo:

NOTE (FULL DISCLOSURE): As an associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. For more info check my FAQ page links below.

Conversion: 24-bit / 48kHz
Gain: High
Computer Level: 26.7% (4dB)
Boosted in Post: +0dB

Polar Pattern: Super Cardioid
Freq Response : 20Hz - 20kHz
Sensitivity -35dBFS (low) / -15dBFS (high)
Equivalent Noise Level: 22dB SPL (A)
Max SPL: 130 dB SPL (low gain)
Bit Depth: 24-bit
Sample Rate:  48kHz

00:00 - Intro / Price / Disclaimer 
00:28 - What’s in the Box
01:02 - Build Quality / Walkthrough
02:33 - Specifications
02:43 - Polar Pattern Test (Tone / Rotation)
03:02 - Plosive Test
03:19 - Distance Test / Proximity Effect Test
03:40 - Background Noise Test 
03:57 - Untreated Room Test
04:18 - Shock Rejection Test
04:34 - Mic Resonance Tap Test
04:51 - Demo of Sattelite
05:44 - Intro to Comparison
06:14 - Blue Yeti Comparison
06:46 - Audio Technica AT2020USB-X Comparison
07:18 - Sennheiser Profile USB Comparison
07:54 - Samson G-Track Pro Comparison
08:41 - Blue Yeti X Comparison
09:26 - Rode NT-USB+ Comparison
10:00 - Rode NT1 5th Gen Comparison
10:38 - Austrian Audio OC818 Comparison
11:30 - Neumann U87 Ai Copmarison
12:10 - Instrument Input Test
14:01 - Microphone Music Test
15:43 - Pros & Cons
17:13 - Overall Thoughts
18:47 - Recommendation
21:37  - Outro


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing. 

BSP-364: Common Sense Personal Finance Tips, Worst Audio Ever & More

Topics Discussed: My 8 common sense personal finance tips, why do some mics pick up more bass frequencies, can the Wave XLR drive 6xx headphones, and the worst audio that I can make.  

Subscribe to the full audio podcast at http://www.bandrewsays.com

Gear Used This Episode (Affiliate Links):
Shure SM7b:  https://geni.us/shuresm7b
Universal Audio LA610 MK2:  https://imp.i114863.net/la610mk2
Universal Audio x8:  https://sweetwater.sjv.io/uax8
Rode NTH-100:  https://geni.us/rnth100

As an affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

Ask Questions: https://www.askbandrew.com
Merch:  https://www.podcastage.com/store
Discord:  http://www.podcastage.com/discord

00:00 - Intro 
00:12 - WYHTS: Why I'm Not Starting Another Channel
02:12 - WYHTS: 8 Common Sense Personal Finance Tips
16:57 - WYHTS: YouTubers Obligation to Cover New Releases
19:09 - WYHTS: Bandrew Is Throwing Stones in a Glass House
20:57 - Value for Value Segment
26:44 - Ask Bandrew
27:24 - Audio Submission 1
28:20 - Why do Some Mics Pick Up More Bass Frequencies
32:27 - Lewitt MTP350 CM Desk Rumble Rejection Test
34:06 - Video Submission 2
36:07 - Can Wave XLR Drive 6xx Headphones?

38:37 - Audio Submission 3
39:34 - Worst Audio I Can Make
41:54 - Rode NTH100 Update - They Broke
42:42 - Outro


Bandrew Scott

Bandrew Scott is the founder and host of the youtube channel Podcastage, where he posts reviews of audio gear, and shares tips and tricks to improve the audio of your Podcast, YouTube Channel, or Live Stream.

He also founded the Geeks Rising podcast network, which is home to amazing education, wellness, and pop culture podcasts such as Tourette’s Podcast, Sunshine & Powercuts, and On The Subject.

Bandrew also runs his own show titled the Bandrew Says Podcast. On this show he analyzes the latest news to determine how it affects the content creation ecosystem, and shares that to help creates remain aware of how the platform they use is changing.