Good Modern Country Music Suggestions
/Clip from BSP-391:
Originally aired 9 JUN 2024
Clip from BSP-391:
Originally aired 9 JUN 2024
Clip from BSP-242:
Originally aired 20 DEC 2020
Clip from BSP-403:
Originally aired: 29 SEP 2024
Clip from BSP-402:
Originally aired: 22 SEP 2024
This is a blast from the past back in 2019, but I thought it was interesting to revisit what was put out over 5 years regarding guidance on advertising for influencers. I have included a link above to the original website and guide if you want to dive further into it.
I highly recommend reading the entire guide, but the two big points I want to draw your attention to are “When I Need to Disclose” and “What Counts as Payment”.
WHEN YOU NEED TO DISCLOSE: “If you’ve received payment or any other incentive from a brand, or you are otherwise personally or commercially connected to the brand, any related content will need to make clear that it’s advertising. This means that whenever you receive any sort of incentive from a brand (even if it’s not money – free products and other benefits count too, see p5), or you are directly connected to a brand e.g., you’re an owner, employee, shareholder, director or have any other commercial or personal interest (i.e. family and friends), you need to make clear in any content where you feature or refer to the brand, that it’s advertising. This is the case even when the brand doesn’t know if or what you’re creating. The same is true for content containing affiliate marketing links (see p6).”
WHAT COUNTS AS PAYMENT: “Obviously, if you’re paid by a brand to post a particular piece of content, that counts as ‘payment’ – but any incentive, even if it’s not money, counts as a ‘payment’ for any resulting content. If you have any kind of commercial relationship with a brand, this qualifies as ‘payment’. This includes; • being a brand ambassador; • being a shareholder; being a director or having a position in the company; you are collaborating on your own ‘edit’ or ‘collection’; you are receiving an exclusive discount or a commission; or you are given products, services, trips, hotel stays, event invites, loans, leases, rentals, or shares etc. for free (whether requested or unsolicited). It doesn’t matter if there was no obligation to post about free items/services received, it still counts as ‘payment’ and needs to be disclosed.
There is a lot more information in the guide that you should read and understand if you accept products from companies, if you run advertisements, or if you use affiliate links. At the end of the day practicing strict disclosure isn’t only necessary to ensure you’re not breaking any laws, but you should aim to disclose everything to ensure you’re honest and open with people who are watching your content.
It takes a long time to build up trust with people online, but it takes a second to throw it all away. So don’t be scummy about it.
Clip from BSP-154:
Originally aired 27 JAN 2019
Clip from BSP-402:
Originally aired: 22 SEP 2024
Clip from BSP-386:
Originally aired 21 APR 2024
Clip from BSP-402:
Originally aired: 22 SEP 2024
I have seen “comment auto-reply suggestions” on YouTube studio for quite a while, but last week while pulling comments for the Bandrew Says Podcast, I looked a little bit closer at the suggestions and something caught my attention. In the past the auto replies consisted of generic canned responses such as “Thanks for watching”, “You’re welcome”, “I really appreciate that.”, but now the suggestion was inserting statements about my knowledge level and adding humbling statements.
Here’s the example I pulled:
Upon further review on 15 OCT 2024, YouTube put a blog post about “Testing AI-enhanced comment reply suggestions”, and they outline how the suggestions will start to include the content creators “tone and style”.
I find this to be completely and utterly baffling. I understand that all tech companies are trying to find a way to implement AI in new ways to try to find the trillion dollar idea, but this seems silly to me. The entire purpose of comments is to have interaction with people, and this is attempting to trick someone into thinking they’re having that kind of engagement with minimal input from the creator.
The wildest thing about all of it is that it actually made a statement about my knowledge “I’m just trying to figure out how this YouTube thing works” and then threw in that artificial humbleness “I’m not sure how much help I am, but thanks for watching!” which is incredibly disingenuous.
As soon as I saw this I had to share it because it’s just hilarious and interesting.
Clip from BSP-407:
Originally Aired: 3 NOV 2024
Bandrew Says Podcast
I Watch Movies
Geeks Rising
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