Timex American Documents Review
/Today I share my opinion on whether or not a $500 timex is really worth the money. Spoiler alert: no not really.
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GEAR I USE (Affiliate Links):
Calipers: https://geni.us/digcalip
Camera: https://geni.us/c90d
Lens 24mm: https://geni.us/can24
Lens 50mm: https://geni.us/can50
Lens Macro: https://geni.us/can100
Microphone 1: https://geni.us/dynacaster
Microphone 2: na/td (75t)
Mic stand: https://www.yellowtec.com/mika.html
Interface: https://imp.i114863.net/uax8
Headphones: https://geni.us/sennhd650