Bandrew Scott

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300,000 Subscribers

I was starting to think this wouldn’t happen because things have cooled off so much over the last year, but we hit 300,000 subscribers around 9:30PM on 4 NOV 2022.

Prior milestones
100,000 - 2019 APR 9 - Four Years to Gain 100k
150,000 - 2020 APR 8 - One Year to Gain 50k
200,000 - 2020 AUG 22 - 4 Months to Gain 50k
250,000 - 2021 APR 21 - 8 Months to Gain 50k

The reason I’m breaking down past milestones is to show the fluctuation in growth over the years. It took a long time to get growth kickstarted, then in 2020 there was explosive growth and growth has slowed back down. Still making videos and still rocking and a rolling and trying to have fun with it. If you are reading this, thank you so much for the support.

I know this seems self congratulatory, and it kind of is, but I find these posts interesting to go back and see to track these moments.